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Polycystic ovary syndrome

What is PCOD/PCOS,What Are Its Cause, Diagnosis and Its Treatment

PCOD polycystic ovarian disorder also known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is common endocrine hormonal disorder of a woman. About 20 percent women suffer from this disorder and it has a successful treatment in Ayurveda.

What Is Polycystic Ovarian Diseases?

Polycystic ovary disease is caused due to abnormal secretion of hormones in women during reproductive age (the age between 15-44 years). The female suffering from this syndrome may have an irregular or prolonged menstrual cycle or have excess secretion of androgen.  Thus, the ovaries produce small collections of follicles and that ultimately fails to generate eggs.

Even, the doctors don’t know the root cause of this disease.  The early treatment and diagnosis can reduce down the risk of other complications such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Globally, 2.2 to 26.7 women in the age group of 15-44 have PCOS. In many cases, the syptoms of PCOD remains unreported because it doesn’t reveal symtoms.

The wowen ovary produce mainly two types of hormones progesterone, estrogen. The third hormone that it releases in a small quantity is androgen.

Every month women ovaries release eggs and the process is called ovulation. Luteinizing hormone (LH) and Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are two hormones that are responsible for controlling the ovulation period.

In PCOD fluid filled sac grow in the ovary, the sac are basically the follicles, each one having one immature egg. These eggs never get enough mature to trigger the ovulation.

Distruption in ovulation distupts the level of estrogen, progesterone, LH and FSH hormone. Because of this, the level of estrogen and progesterone gets lower than usual and androgen level increases more than usual.

The increased level of male hormone makes the menstrual cycle uneven. That is why, women suffering from PCOD usually have less periods than normal.

What Are The Cause Of PCOD?

The exact reson of PCOD diseases is still not known. Many doctors believe that presence of high level of male hormones disrupts the function of ovary. The other reasons of PCOD are

Genes – Many studies have revelead that PCOD runs in families. Women suffering from PCOD usually have a history of this diseases in the family.

Resistance to Insulin – A study has revealed that 70 percent of women suffering from PCOD have resistance to insulin. Their cell in the body is not able to use insulin properly.

When cells can’t use the insulin properly, it demands for more that pancreas secret to compensate. More insulin in body triggers ovary to produce more  androgen that further distrupts the process.

Inflammation– Women having higher inflammation in the body are also more prone to PCOD disease.

Three Main Features Of PCOD Are

  • Presence of cysts in ovary
  • Increased level of male hormone
  • Skipped or irregular periods

What Are The Common Symptoms Of PCOD?

The common symptoms of PCOD are

  • Irregular periods
  • Hair growth on face, chest, belly
  • Weight gain
  • Heavy blood flow during periods
  • Baldness just like male have
  • Uneven skin, dark patches on the skin
  • Headache

What Are The Affect Of PCOD On Woman’s Body?

PCOD not only leads to fertility issue but also many other health related problems.

Infertility – For pregnancy, ovulation is important. If woman don’t ovulate, she can’t get pregnant.

Metabolic Syndrome – Studies have found that 80 percent of PCOD suffering women are overweight.  PCOD and obesity together causes many other health disorders, high blood pressure, high blood sugar level, high LDL are a few of the associated symptoms.

Sleep Disorder – Women suffering from PCOD also suffer from sleep disorder, sleep apnea.

Depression – Lots of hormonal changes, irregular period, overweight and unwanted hair growth leads to depression in many women.

How To Know If You Have PCOD

There three symptoms that indicate PCOD

  • Cyst in ovary
  • High level of androgen
  • Irregular periods

When a woman have all three symptom, she is further investigated by doctor about present of acne, body hair, weight gain. Blood test and pelvic examination is also done by doctors to cross check.

Ultrasound is also effective in finding follicles in ovary.

When One Should Take Doctor’s Help

It become imperative to see doctor when you

  • Have missed your period dates and you not pregnant
  • You have unwanted hair growth on face, chest, thigs and other parts of the body
  • You are trying to conceive from past 12 months but not successful
  • You are witnessing some symptoms of diabetes.

What Are The Treatments Available For PCOD?

Birth control pills and medicine that regulates period cycle  are effective on PCOD. These are some of the treatments that doctors give to PCOD patient but it is not as effective as the ayurvedic treatment. Ayurveda has an effective treatment of PCOD. Know how ayurveda treat this disease.

Early diagnosis is imprerative to treat it and to prevent the long term complications. Ayurveda has successful treatment for PCOD. Ayurveda recommend following treatment for the disorder

  • Detoxification
  • Nasya
  • Uttarbasti
  • Panchakarma
  • Snehan swedan
  • Medication

Along with that, Ayurvedic doctors combine the aforementioned therapies with medications to treat the cause of diet fast and without any side effects. The entire treatment process go painless. Change in diet and lifestyle also gives positive result to patients.

Visit Dr.Kumar Lifestyle Center For PCOD Diagnosis and Treatment

Dr.Kumar Lifestyle Center ayurvedic department follows a very systematic approach in treating PCOD patients. We plan treatment according to the condition of patient and treat both the cause of disorder as well as it symptoms. To know more about the center and how they treat PCOD diseases, you can give us a call or visit our physical center.

We can dissolve PCOD in two month (based on Prevention treated patient)Tags: pcod diagnosispcod dietpcod problem symptomspcod symptoms and treatmentpcod testpolycystic ovarian syndromesymptoms of pcodtreatment for pcod

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