There was a time when rural areas were very healthy, their lifestyle and diet happened to be very healthy. Unfortunately especially in last about two decades situation have changed. Lifestyle, physical work and diet has changed completely and Present health condition in rural areas are not very pleasant. Lifestyle disorders, nutritional deficiency, lack of health awareness and lack of health education making it worse. Someone from Every family is suffering from one of chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, joint problems, metabolic disorder, obesity or any mental disorder like depression or anxiety. This condition has not emerged overnight, it took many years and now falling down with very fast pace.

Every rural family spends large part of their income and time on health issues they suffer day to day due to lack of awareness and right information. Their health is either in the hands of local untrained health practitioners or they have to go to the nearest city center to access little advance care with lots of inconvenience.
As far as preventive health care concern they are almost totally unaware of this concept. Preventive health setups like nutritionist, physical training centers, preventive checkup concept and facilities, counselors etc. are not just out of their reach but also out of their knowledge.
It is time to take action, only hospitals and treatment centers can’t improve this condition, we have to save them who are still holding their health or who are young.
Title of the project:
“SEHAT MERE GAON KI”- A project for rural health based on preventive health measures, self-care and basic health education and awareness.
Model of the project: Franchise based.
Investment required: 50000 to 1 lac only.
Space required: 200 sq feet minimum.
Return: 25 to 35% per month.
Eligibility: minimum graduation, any health service experience would be preferred.