Gastritis Treatment
The term gastritis refers to inflammation of the mucus lining of the stomach. A persistent feeling of weakness and unease may accompany Gastritis patients during the day.
Gastritis is mainly caused by excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, spicy, sour, acidic foods, and white flour products. The condition can also be aggravated by stress, anger, and heat.

What causes acidity?
- When the stomach produces too much digestive acid, it causes nausea, stomachaches, and bad breath. Almost everyone, including children, suffers from this problem.
- By mid-afternoon, you are mentally and physically exhausted. It disrupts sleep patterns and reduces relaxing sleep
- The immune system is impaired when friendly bacteria in the intestine die. There is a high incidence of cold infections, headaches, and flu.
- There is a lack of absorption of vitamins and minerals from food.
- It is common to suffer from flatulence and bloating due to impaired digestion.
Acidity can be cured by simply altering diet and lifestyle. The kitchen is a great place to find remedies. You can treat acidity with some simple home remedies.
- Make sure you drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. Your stomach acid will be neutralized and flushed out with a little water.
- Every meal should include a salad and two servings of fresh fruit.
- Whether raw or conservatively cooked, include fresh sprouts in every meal.
- Fruits and nuts can be substituted for in-between snacks.
- Consume one lime a day in one glass of water, as this will meet our body's vitamin C needs. Assimilation of lime and other citric foods leaves the body with an alkaline effect after only one hour in the body.
- Reduce the consumption of fried foods, processed foods, and stale foods. Eat freshly cooked food.
Based on an in-depth examination with the doctor at DKLC, Ayurvedic medicine for gastric issues includes custom herbal medicines, diet and lifestyle recommendations, and customized home remedies. Liver and Cholesterol Cleansing therapy is the best for Gastritis.