Dr. Kumar's Lifestyle Center is now NABH Accredited
Naturopathy Therapies


Panic disorder, social anxiety, excessive self-consciousness, and anxiousness are all symptoms of anxiety disorder. In addition to affecting normal activities, job performance, and relationships, anxiety disorders can last for more than six months. Anxiety disorder patients are excessively concerned about their health, finances, and careers. As a result of anxiety disorder, you may experience restlessness, fatigue, irritability, muscular aches, insomnia, impaired sleep, abdominal upsets, dizziness, irritability, and poor concentration. To treat Anxiety Disorder, DKLC first identifies the root cause of the disease and then designs a personalized treatment plan based on that.


Causes of Anxiety

To understand the different natural treatments for anxiety, we must first understand the causes. Both internal and external factors can cause anxiety. Psychological conditions, phobias, and panic disorders can cause anxiety.

The external causes of anxiety are:

Natural treatment for anxiety

In order to reduce anxiety and panic attacks at DKLC, we use alternative or drugless treatment methods. Here are some of the methods we use

Asana and pranayama

For anxiety relief, the naturopathic doctor will suggest certain asanas and pranayama techniques. Stress and anxiety can be dealt with through yoga, which helps calm the mind and relax the body. It is possible to greatly reduce anxiety by practising regularly.


Meditation is a great technique for reducing anxiety. It has been proven that meditation induces the release of the neurotransmitters serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid, which are responsible for the relaxation of the body and a feeling of happiness. Stress-causing hormone cortisone is also reduced by meditation.

Herbal Teas

To understand the different natural treatments for anxiety, we must first understand the causes. Both internal and external factors can cause anxiety. Psychological conditions, phobias, and panic disorders can cause anxiety.

The external causes of anxiety are:

The benefits of peppermint, tulsi, ginger and other herbal teas include relaxation and anxiety reduction.

Herbal Supplements

Anxiety and stress may be reduced by herbal supplements, which naturopathy doctors may prescribe when needed.

All medical conditions are treated individually at DKLC. Depending on your health, lifestyle, and other conditions, you will be prescribed asanas, exercises, herbal teas, and supplements.