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ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative Colitis: Symptoms & Treatment

Ayurveda and naturopathy approach for Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are primarily linked with the large intestine/colon, from modern allopathy concern Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are non-treatable. In modern science, there is no known reason why Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) occurs. Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be very painful and create physical, mental, and emotional uneasiness.

There are some of the common symptoms of Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD):

  • Frequent bowel movements and motions,
  • Gastritis,
  • Bloating,
  • Abdominal pain and cramps,
  • Bleeding and mucus with stool,
  • Weight loss,
  • Fatigue,
  • Fever,
  • Poor growth in children

Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can be at any age and to any gender. Some of the known reason who triggers Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are:

  • Bad dietary habits
  • Stress
  • Chorionic Constipation history
  • Genetic reasons
  • Irregular immune response


Treatment of Ulcerative colitis in Ayurveda and naturopathy:


In Ayurveda Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are coming under “Sangrahni Roga”, in Ayurveda and naturopathy there is effective management and treatment of Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) available. A combination of therapies can relieve the symptoms and may give long-term relief.

ulcerative colitis
ulcerative colitis

Ayurveda medicines and therapies with a combination of naturopathy, diet management, and yog practices to manage stress and boost strength prove very effective in the treatment of Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Therapies recommended:

  • Colon hydrotherapy
  • GH Lapet
  • Mud therapy
  • Matra Basti
  • Sitz bath
  • SCWT (Sun charged water therapy)
  • Enema
  • Jal Neti
  • Meditation
  • Walk
  • Suksham vyayam


The selection, Combination, duration, and frequency of therapies depend on patient’s condition.


Ayurveda medicines are advised based on complications and severity of the disease, some of the common medicines are:

  • Kutzarishtha
  • Chitrakadi vati
  • Kutz parpati vati
  • Shankhvati
  • Shatavari ghrit
  • Chandanadi tailam
  • Ashwagandha ext
  • Mebarid cap
  • Sidh praneshwar ras


Combination, dosage, duration, and time also depend on the disease severity and other complications.


Effective treatment consists of both aspects physical as well as mental. In Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and  Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) dealing with physical and mental situations is equally important, due to uncontrolled motions patient hesitate to go out of his home/place and his social life gets disturbed, his major attention confined to disease and its symptoms only. His mental and physical health along with his social life gets badly disturbed.


Dietary role in the management of colitis ulcer:


Diet plays a very important role in symptom management and treatment of Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). An inappropriate diet may trigger the symptoms of the disease. High carbs and high-fiber diet should be avoided, spicy and deep-fried food also should be avoided. Nuts and other gas-forming food should be strictly avoided. Gluten and lactose-free diet has proven very helpful in the treatment of colitis ulcer/ulcerative colitis and IBD.


We at Dr. Kumar’s Lifestyle Center treating Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and  Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) disease effectively, we have combined Ayurveda, naturopathy, psychotherapy, diet therapy, and yoga therapy to treat Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and  Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) very effectively.

We have treated moderate to chronic cases of Ulcerative colitis/colitis ulcer (UC) and Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) at our centers, our approach is very much patient-oriented, and we understand that every patient has different physical and psychological conditions, many patients comes after taking treatment at many places under a different system of medicines, it is very important to explain the disease and its treatment which you are going to give to make him/her comfortable. This being a psychosomatic disease require full involvement and faith of the patient in the doctor and treatment given. Our selection of therapies always depends on the patient physical, mental, and emotional condition along with his clinical symptoms, history, and diagnostic reports.

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